Leaders in Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2007,
our clinicians assist you in assessing your heart attack and stroke risk.
Leaders in Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2007,
our clinicians assist you in assessing your heart attack and stroke risk.
Leaders in Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2007,
our clinicians assist you in assessing your heart attack and stroke risk.
Leaders in Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2007,
our clinicians assist you in assessing your heart attack and stroke risk.
There is a big gap being missed in our healthcare system.
Going to your general practitioner is way too general using Framingham Heart Score (blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, age, etc)
The majority of heart attacks and strokes occur with people with normal cholesterol.
Going to a cardiologist on a preventative basis is not as great because if you are not high risk you may get dismissed.
Exercise stress tests will only show advanced stages of disease (80% blockages +) therefore giving a clean bill of health when you can still be on the path of a heart attack or stroke.
The majority of heart attacks and strokes occur with blockages that are less than 50%.
The Heart Fit Clinic bridges this gap in our healthcare system with the most accurate screening tests to detect cardiovascular disease risk.
If patients are high risk, the Heart Fit Clinic goes beyond heart stent, bypass and medications, and focuses on lifestyle interventions including
External Counterpulsation therapy.
Leaders in Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2007, our clinicians assist you in assessing your heart attack and stroke risk.